Online Chess School: The Way to Groom Your Chess Strategies

Chess is 99 percent tactics. While you can manage to memorize all kinds of opening moves to increase your chances of a positive end game, learning how to play tactically in every phase of the game and not just the first few moves is very beneficial, as it allows you to gain advantage every step of the way. Tactical training helps you plan your moves from the first piece to the last or until you checkmate your opponent. Opening books on the subject do great wonders with your game play, but nothing makes improving your game better than actually going through training and practically applying what you know or what you have read into a game.

Tactical training through a proper chess school will teach you more than just winning pieces and preparing your first few moves to gain advantage over your opponent. It will also teach you more than just how to mate the opponent’s king, but will allow you to gain skills in positioning your pieces for long-term advantage. You can gain tactical training by solving chess problems and by actually playing real opponents.

Joining an online chess school is also a great way to build your chess tactics and groom strategies that you can use for the long term. There are also quality training books that you can invest in, but joining a community can help you improve your skills tremendously, as it allows you to play other individuals at the same skill level as well as those at higher skill levels to help you enhance your strategies.

Technology truly makes things easier nowadays, as you can get masterful training with expert coaches online, engaging your instructor in a game even while at the comfort of your own home.

Learn Famous Chess Moves to Get Your Game Off to a Great Start

Opening moves in chess are considered some of the most crucial as they can drastically affect the flow of the entire game. Opening in a chess game is in establishing attack and defense strategies that need to be put in place in order to get an advantage in the game. Developing more pieces than your opponent during your opening moves can give you control in the mid and eventually, the end game, which also increases your chances of a checkmate.

One of the most popular opening moves used by many chess players is the French Defense, which the player drawn to play black can use to defend against a white’s powerful king pawn to e4 move. Moving the black king pawn one space forward is a defining move for this defense strategy, as it opens up to many strong positions for the other chess pieces.

There are many other chess openings that you can experiment with in order to improve your chances of establishing good positional advantage for your chess pieces. Remember that opening moves often dictate the flow of a chess game. They provide greater mobility for the pieces and open up possibilities and opportunities to capture opponent’s pieces and even render them defenseless.

Popular chess opening moves are great to learn, especially since they are proven to create good edge for players, both with the opening move advantage as well as those playing defense. If you want to discover more advantageous chess moves and opening routines, you may check out different online resources or join a good chess club, where you can develop more skills in playing this highly tactical game. Getting chess training, especially at a young age is one way to improve a player’s skills.

Join Online Chess Classes to Maximize Your Chances of Winning Games

Regular training is very important for any chess player who wants to improve their skills. Every move in a chess game is crucial and no move should be made without careful consideration of all other squares and pieces in the chess board. One mistake can instantly turn the tables in the game and put your army of chessmen in a bad position. Miss a tactical move and you mill most likely lose material or allow a checkmate, if you are already at the endgame. One bad move and the game could be over. Strategic and tactical skills in chess, should therefore be develop so that you can maximize your victories, especially when you plan to build a touring career.

One good way to learn strategies and tactics that will work best for your game is by solving chess problems, but it is always better to have a mentor guiding you through your learning experiences and training exercises. Today, it is much easier to acquire training from highly qualified mentors. Online chess schools are widespread, though only a select few can truly give you the kind of training that will best suit your game and learning style.

Improving your training will help you increase and develop tactical and strategic awareness, which in turn will help you win as much games as you can in the future. Tactics training will help you learn how to decide when it is worth spending time searching for tactical combinations, how to exploit bad moves from your opponent, and how to find tactical combinations against your adversary’s strategic or tactical move. Training also helps improve your strategic sense, learning when to avoid moves that your opponent can use against you and exploit using their own tactical combinations. Overall, training helps you gain strategic advantages, which in turn maximizes your chances in winning chess games.

Guidelines for Teaching Chess to Your Child Online

Raising a chess player can be a very fulfilling feat for any parent. If you see that your child has great interest in the game, nurturing that passion is crucial so they will grow to love it more. Interest can go a long way when nurtured properly. The following are some great tips to help any parent raise a good chess player:

  • Play with them a lot. Kids at a very young age can show great interest in playing chess, even if the only thing they enjoy is moving the pieces and learning the proper moves to capture the enemy. If your child is not an avid reader, an entertaining chess software or an online application is a good place to hone their skills and keep them entertained at the same time. This said, you should never force your child to play more chess games than he would like to. Doing so is a huge passion killer, which can have adverse effects on his or her enjoyment and love of the game. His desire to play should always come within himself.
  • Looking for a possible chess club where your child can play other kids is also a great way to hone his skills and heighten his interest. One of the many joys of playing chess knows that you can best other players in terms of tactics and strategies something that only playing socially will give your child.
  • Lastly, consider finding an online coach who can help develop your child’s skills in a very convenient manner. Today, there are highly recommended online chess schools that your child can take part in and where he or she can be mentored according to his or her skill level and the things that he or she wants to learn.

Revealing Winning Chess Moves: Surefire Tips to Instantly Win Chess

Memorization of opening, mid, and end game moves can only get you so far in chess. Additionally, the countless variations of moves can leave those who rely mostly on memorized moves way lost as the game progresses. If you want surefire ways to win every game you take on, what you need are mental tools that will allow you to position winning moves even when pieces are in places or formations that are completely new or unfamiliar to you. Here are great tips on finding the best winning moves in chess:

  • Forcing moves – winning chess combinations usually begin with forcing moves. These include checks, captures, and checkmate threats. Knowing what kind of forcing moves are available to you as well as to your opponent in certain positions will help you uncover winning combinations and tactics. Before touching any piece to make a move, always ask yourself what kind of forcing moves are in position.
  • Attack moves – attack moves are designed to threaten opponents and they can also be used to counter opponent’s threats instead of retreating pieces readily when danger of capture arises. Attack moves can instantly turn tables around, when done properly and with proper thought. However, you should also recognize times when you need to fall back and retreat, although counterattacking should be done whenever possible.
  • Best moves – take time with each move. No matter how good you think your tactical plan is, don’t hesitate to sit on your hands while you evaluate your next few moves. Oftentimes, you will find a better move than what you originally planned. It helps looking away from your board to refresh the senses.

You can learn tactical moves by getting proper training and playing experienced opponents within a good community of serious chess players who can ultimately help you improve your game.

Is Learning Chess Online Worth Your Time and Money?

Learning chess is quite simple, but training to be good at the game is another story. Online chess training is one of the best and most effective ways to learn and get good at the game. With the many great benefits that playing chess offers, a lot of parents want their children to be proficient at the game. Just the same, more and more children are getting fond of this intelligent hobby. Improved memory, sharp mathematical skills, enhanced concentration, highly developed logical thinking, independence, creativity and healthy psychology are only some of the great benefits of chess, not to mention that it is a pastime that is fun and cheap to learn and do. Here are some of the best advantages of learning chess online, along with reasons why learning the game online is totally worth your time and money:

  • You have virtually no choice but to succeed when training online. Any chess training class or program that is worth its salt can turn you from an absolute newbie into a world class player. With a good training course, you can easily formulate action plans and acquire information that you can read and even re-read as you go along your training.
  • Online training is also inexpensive. Actual chess trainers or tutors can cost you even hundred dollar per hour, or probably the cost of an entire online training course. You can learn and experience more with the same amount of money or less in an online chess course.
  • Online training also saves you from the time and hassle of having to read chess books that are either too advanced for someone who is only starting out, or too scarce for information for a player who already has all the good knowledge about basic chess rules and tactics.

Improve Chess Skills by Learning Basic Chess Tactical Patterns

Tactics in chess refer to moves or a sequence of moves that limit opponent’s options and force them to sacrifice a piece for a tangible gain. Tactical motifs are among the most essential moves that you need to learn in order to improve your overall strategic play. Without them, you cannot reach the end of your strategic goals. The following are some of the most commonly used and most useful tactical moves people use to attack and defend pieces, gain material, leverage the pawn, and make sacrifices:


  • Players have several options to defend against attacks. You can capture the attacking piece, move the attacked piece, defend the piece by allowing an exchange, interpose another piece in between the attacking piece and the attacked piece, pin the attacking piece to render the capture illegal or unprofitable, employ a counter threat (zwischenzug), or allow the capture to sacrifice for a tactical advantage.
  • You gain an opponent’s material by capturing pieces without losing any of your own or by losing a piece of a lesser value. Winning material is the main goal of many basic tactical moves. Among the most commonly used moves to win material include discovered checking or attacking, double checking, forking, pinning, and skewering, each providing a tactical way to gain opponent’s pieces.
  • Using the pawn for tactical reasons is also common practice. Having the least value, pawns are often used to gain or capture defended pieces and to force a more powerful piece to retreat. Pawns can be used to fork two enemy pieces or to reveal a discovered attack, as well as to form a pawn chain to protect friendly pieces lined up behind them. Unprotected pawns, however, can be seen as a decisive weakness.


Guidelines to Help You Learn Chess Online

Knowing the fundamentals of a chess game is the first step to developing your skills and broadening your knowledge of the game. With the popularity of the internet as an all-around resource, the web also provides an incredible platform for people who wish to learn and be good at the game to hone their skills and practice what they know through actual, real games.

Chess, like many other pastimes and activities has left its physical domain and made itself available in virtual form, enabling players to engage in tournaments, casual games, and teaching sessions with players and mentors from across the globe. Chess lessons and games hosted through the internet are great ways to enjoy the game and learn its ins and outs.

There are many different websites that you can go to if you want to play real time with other players online. Other web resources even offer downloadable versions of their chess programs and games for you to play offline or practice during your idle times. Online chess universities and schools are also at hand for those who want to engage in formal lessons and interact with actual mentors who themselves are chess masters. One of the best ways to learn and be good at chess is by seeking the aid of great and experienced players, analyzing their game, and developing your own skills through practice and by gaining usable knowledge that you can use in each game.

There are many interactive chess games that you can find online, including chess-themed games and puzzles that you can use to practice tactics and strategies. Internet chess games are incredible platforms to train and hone your skills and play actual people who can challenge you to improve your game and find ways to practice your passion.

Make Your Brain Stronger and Improve Your Mental Abilities with Chess

A well-loved strategy game, chess is known to offer a great deal of mental benefits, especially with the very perceptive and mentally stimulating nature of the game that requires a great deal of skill and intellectual adeptness. Can chess make a person that much smarter, or is it just that people who are good at it are naturally more mentally adept? There have been many studies trying to prove the cognitive benefits and implications of playing chess, and here are some of their most interesting results:

  • Chess boosts brain power, especially in kids – According to experts, children between grade and high school age are seen to get the most brain benefits from the game. Studies reveal that chess enhances the visualization, analytical, and critical thinking skills of children, particularly those in second and third grade. Chess is also attributed to their rapid brain development.
  • Chess enhances IQ – Another study in Venezuela showed how children who took chess classes for 4 and a half months showed increase in their IQ points.
  • Chess enhances arithmetical skills – One study entitled The Effects of Chess Instruction on the Mathematics Achievement of Southern, Rural, Black Secondary subjected African-American high school students who have just received 120 hours of chess instruction into a math proficiency test, the results of which showed better scores in comparison to other students who have not been given chess lessons. This proves how chess improves and strengthens arithmetical skills.
  • Chess hones verbal skills – In addition to mental strength, chess can also improve verbal skills, as proven by a study that showed how children who took chess classes showed improved verbal, mathematical, and administrative directional skills. Many question how a game that does not require verbal communication can enhance such skills, to which the proprietor of the study, Albert Frank answered that since chess utilizes as many faculties of the mind as it needs, different abilities and aptitudes are also improved.

Interactive Online Chess Tutorials for Beginners – Chess Strategies and Tactics

Anyone wishing to improve their skills in chess will benefit greatly from formal lessons. However, this kind of luxury isn’t always available as fewer chess schools exist. Fortunately, online programs are widespread and are excellent substitutes for physical schools. Interactive lessons and tutorials, including live lessons are available for those who want to learn the game and improve skills, regardless of your level.

Basic chess principles are easy enough to learn, but strategies and tactics can only be developed through experience. Interactive tutorials are far more effective than static books in teaching strategic and tactical play, especially for those who can retain information better through exercise and practical application than traditional chess book reading. This said, the value of chess books should not be discounted as they can also help improve your knowledge of the game in their own unique way. Interactive lessons, on the other hand, provide more immediate results as you get to experience interaction as you learn about theories and principles.

Instead of purchasing expensive tutorial programs, enrolling yourself or your child at an online chess school can be a better route to take, allowing you to get affordable lessons that can truly improve your skills under the guidance of real coaches and teachers. When looking for an online chess school, go for one that has had proven success in coaching people who have gone on to excel and even win major tournaments. Experienced coaches can offer better ways to learn, depending on the skill level as well as the style of learning of each of their students. Find an online chess school that offers this kind of approach and provides you with a great community of chess players and enthusiasts who have the same passion for the game.