Learn To Play Chess Online and Improve Your Intellectual Ability with It

Many schools across the globe have added chess to their course curricula. Extensive research and findings have made people strongly believe that playing chess aids the advancement of their students’ intellect. Such institutions take pride in providing opportunities to the students to hone their extracurricular skills. Promoting students to indulge in strategic games boosts their IQ. Chess is one such strategic game that has a goal-oriented approach. It develops skills like planning and analysis with a logical approach. But not everyone goes to such a school, and learning to play chess is not limited to one’s school years. Playing chess online is an excellent alternative that provides a structured framework to learn and develop such skills.

In a game of chess, one must go in with a plan of action or a strategy in mind. This helps them move the pieces around the board accordingly. Each strategy must also evolve in real–time on numerous occasions as the opponent counters one’s moves over the course of a game. This requirement to plan, adjust, and re-plan after every move enables people to take action based on circumstances that change every minute – a metaphor for life’s own challenges. This consequently helps them to move ahead despite the misfortunes. It makes them stand determined and ready to execute strategies based on new information.

Online chess training is a good start to trigger the urge to question logically and respond in an equally efficient manner. It is a real-time experience of events from where you pick up tricks and tactics for life as well.

Theories have proved that a game of chess is related to Edward de Bono’s theory of ‘Six Thinking Hats’. This is because it involves complete utilization of brain and multi-perspective thinking. The ‘White Hat’ signifies facts and figures that symbolize the rules of the game and is also representative of the raw information available at any stage. The ‘Red Hat’ is the symbol of an emotional view which denotes the skills of instantaneous decisions making and counters to every move. The ‘Black Hat’ implies caution and judgment that assists you to strategize. The ‘Yellow Hat’ signifies the positive side of the game i.e. the learning patterns and critically examining situations to gain a favorable outcome. The ‘Green Hat’ showcases the creative side and the growth of skills and knowledge that become a part of the player’s personality. The ‘Blue Hat’ symbolizes how organized you are in your decision-making and conclusions. The pieces you move must push forward towards your goal. Chess is one of those activities for the brain that makes you put on all your thinking caps and explore the world with an all new perspective.

Blog Source URL: http://www.chesscoachonline.com/learn-to-play-chess-online-and-improve-your-intellectual-ability-with-it

Does Playing Online Chess Make You Smarter?

Researchers in Tübingen, Germany conducted a survey of expert and amateur chess players. The study had various stages during which the participants were examined using an MRI scanner. The first round was recognition and identification of geometrical objects. The results showed no dissimilarity amongst the two categories. Further rounds consisted of pattern identification and position remembrance. The experts were seen to perform remarkably better than any other people. The study concluded with the outcome that playing chess may not have an impact on what you see, but does have an influence on how the visual information is processed and used.

The biological aspect of the findings of the study suggested that chess can lead to the brain shrinking in size. It is understandably alarming thought, but the fact is that the brain actually gets more condensed. And that is actually a good thing. Localized shrinkage is an indication of improved brain activity in the area, and significantly boosts cognitive skills. So, chess not only bolsters mental acuity, but also improves problem-solving skills, understanding cause-and-effect, and anticipating events. Chess is not meant just for smart people, it is the path to becoming smart.

Playing chess with a friend in the park is always a good way to socialize and catch up. But it can be distracting, and you will find it difficult to concentrate on the game in public. In more private settings, there are still limitations of people you can play against particularly if you cannot find someone of a similar skill level. Playing online is a smart alternative in this case. You can play at any time you want, and there is no shortage of people to play against. You can also play against an AI opponent should you need to practice moves before trying them out against a real person.

Chess helps you streamline your thoughts and correctly anticipate those of other people. Every move in a game of chess is planned and executed keeping in mind how the opponent may counter it. Thinking before you act leaves little scope of committing a mistake, a skill that translates well into other aspects of life. Yet another characteristic that evolves over time is the ability to approach any problem or challenge with a creative approach.

Chess also teaches people other skills like emotional control, patience, humility, and self-discipline. These skills may not seem integral to playing a game successfully but along with intelligence, they form the foundation of a successful life.

Blog Source URL: http://www.chesscoachonline.com/does-playing-online-chess-make-you-smarter