Popular Chess Tips and Tutorials for Online Chess Playing Beginners

Beginner chess players usually learn better when guided by an experienced and skilled coach. With proper guidance, new players can learn the best tips and get the best tutorials to improve their skills and techniques online. You can access reputable coaches specializing in teaching novices—and all lessons are taught over the internet. Here is an overview of popular chess tips and tutorials you can learn:

  • Know the goal of chess – The ultimate objective in chess is to achieve a checkmate, which means trapping the opponent’s king. Checkmate is a term with Persian origin, from the phrase ‘Shah Mat’, which literally means ‘the king is ambushed’.
  • Opening goals – The major objective of opening play is to be in the best position when playing White, and equalize when playing Black. White moves first, which may give it a slight advantage, but without strategy, the opponent could obtain the biggest advantage. Hence, when opening, it is advisable to develop pieces by rapidly mobilizing those on practical squares where they can have the most impact during the game and enable them to communicate harmoniously. It is advisable to move the king to a safe place, too, and gain control of the centre squares.
  • General rules – Every piece has its own manner of movement. A piece can move to another square or capture one of the opponent’s pieces, replacing that piece on that particular position. Knights, however, cannot move over or go through other pieces.

When a player has no legal moves available and not in check, the situation is a ‘stalemate’, and the game ends in a draw. A checkmate occurs when the king is in a check position and there are no more legal moves for escape. Checkmate ends a game, and the player whose king got checkmated loses.

Know which is more effective Online Chess Tutors or Playing with Computer

It is always good to learn chess and improve your game with the guidance of a skilled and seasoned teacher. However, not all of us will have the luxury of time to personally see a chess tutor at a convenient schedule. The good news is that there are online chess tutors who are willing to provide lessons and help avid learners and players any time and wherever they are. Reputable online chess schools hire only the most dedicated chess coaches who specialize in working with adults and children in different chess levels. Some of them are famous coaches who help youth in contention for national titles, national title holders, and world championship contenders. There are coaches who specialize in teaching adults and children with special learning needs, too, such as those who have bi-polar disorder and autism, Alzheimer’s, and ADHD.

Online chess tutors strictly hold lessons online using a dedicated chess platform and a chat service like Skype. They follow a universal chess curriculum that has been developed by the online chess school and has been proven effective in helping students learn chess efficiently online. Students log into the platform and add their tutors in chat, so they can communicate easily with one another during lessons. A virtual chess board is used during lessons.

Students can practice chess online without their tutors using AI. Chess computers come with artificial intelligence that will enable students to play with the computer as their opponent. They may seem smarter and more capable at first, but with the right strategy, students should be able to learn well and beat them. Computers typically use evaluation functions to accurately determine the outcome of a game from a certain position, but they do not consider tactical information. Commercial chess programs typically consider factors like trapped bishops, material, the king’s safety, development, trapped rooks, centralization, knight and bishop outposts, and doubled rooks among many others.