Basic Principles of Online Chess for Beginners

Basic chess principles are important to learn as they serve as guidelines as you go through your games. Learning online chess for beginners is an excellent way to get your fundamentals down. If you are only starting to pick-up chess as a hobby or sport, learning about the principal ideas behind the different phases of the game is crucial so as to have a more rewarding gaming experience. One of the most basic principles that you should learn about chess is that a match consists of three major stages—the opening phase, the middlegame, and the endgame. Each of these stages are distinct in that they require attention to different game aspects.

The opening stage, for instance, is the time to develop your pieces, put them into position, and secure your king’s safety. During the opening phase of the game, it is important not to waste turns on unnecessary moves, as this will put you at a disadvantage and allow your opponent to take critical spots on the board. The opening stage is also the chance for you to take control of the center of the board, where the most powerful squares are.

The middlegame is another crucial stage that every chess player should master. When learning online chess for beginners, it is important to remember critical principles like enhancing positional tactics or looking for better squares to take so you can execute your strategy, controlling your pawn chains, and looking for or creating weaknesses in your opponent’s strategy. These will help you usher in the endgame phase of the match.

The end game, on the other hand, is the time to show the strength of your remaining pieces and outposts. The king becomes a stronghold that can help you attack pawns and add pressure on your rival’s position. In many cases, the player with the stronger king wins the endgame. During the end game, the side with more active pieces is also stronger than one with more material.