Ways to Improve English through Chess Lessons in China

Chess is a board game that requires critical thinking. It’s a known fact that chess promotes better brain function, memory, and cognitive abilities. Even one’s attention is improved through chess, so kids with ADHD are encouraged to take chess lessons. But that’s not all. Did you know that chess lessons in China also allows children to improve their English skills? This is why many parents enroll their kids in online chess schools.  

You may be wondering: How is this possible? Online chess schools cater to students from all over the world and typically use English as the medium of instruction. The virtual learning environment allows anyone to take part in the program. Those who wish to learn chess while being exposed to English at the same time will benefit from chess lessons in China. 

Learning to play chess also contributes to better academic performance. Kids who take chess lessons in China are more likely to receive higher grades because the sport helps children develop their abilities in rational thinking, communication, and recognizing patterns. In addition to that, students grow more patient and thoughtful since chess requires an incredible amount of concentration. 

Another way to improve one’s English through chess classes is by interacting with friends. Playing chess helps students make friends more efficiently since they share a similar interest. In international chess schools, students can develop friendships with children from other countries.

Mentors who conduct chess lessons in China hail from various countries; these coaches are world champions who started their now-successful careers in Britain, Romania, and the United States. Most of them are graduates of top universities and have won several medals from chess tournaments. 

Are you planning to enroll your kids in chess lessons in China to improve their English? Look for a reliable online chess school with expert mentors, affordable pricing, flexible programs, and a high success rate.