Know About the Chess Rules for Kids

Children today are highly influenced by the virtual world. Using this fascination productively, by enrolling them in chess classes can help make learning fun. The chess rules for kids are similar to that of the adults. However, if they are beginners, and are here to learn the rudiments of the game, then the moves can be modified to suit their requirements.

The best way to ensure the player learns the chess rules for the kids is to check out the videos and expert tutorials online. Many virtual chess coaching classes have videos and tutorials exclusively for children. This beginner level video has separate moves and strategies according to the level of understanding of the player.

As a beginner, the kids might first want to understand the significance of the pieces on the board, the squares, and what they represent. The kids need to:

  • Acquire a deep knowledge about the board and what they imply,
  • Understand how each piece is exclusive and their moves vary
  • Learn why white and black moves are different
  • To study what happens at the end of the game and how some pieces acquire more significance at the end and much more.

Also, the kids can study the beginner’s game played by their seniors, and understand the significance of an opening or how to get a perfect closure at the end.

The best way to go about this and teach chess rules to kids is to enrol them in an online chess tutorial. An expert trainer from the virtual classes can guide them slowly towards the basics of the game and make them watch a beginner’s level game. The benefits of these online coaching classes are that they offer different packages and time slots. They are also cost-effective and efficient too, making it a worthwhile endeavour to pursue and keep your kids away from the usual video games.

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Tips & Tricks for Best Chess Opening Moves

Chess opening moves can change the way a game progresses. That is why international players improve or revise their strategy to fool the opponent, and take away the game from them. Openings, therefore, are critical, and one needs to learn a few tricks to ensure we are there to checkmate the opponent in the end.

Some of the tricks employed by the experts include:

a. Devise a plan for the opening. Look at the tutorials and videos of expert chess players, to learn the best chess opening moves. Opening, after all, is like issuing a statement to the other player.

b. Wait and observe before making the move. Look at the move made by your opponent, and try to learn what is behind that move. Every player plays to win, and each player has devised their strategy. Observe and analyze before moving the next piece.

c. Plan the game before starting. Each player, on either side, has several strategies that they can employ. Be it Sicilian defense or the Italian game, each requires a plan, and not just for the opening moves, but for the subsequent ones too. Hence, studying the moves made by experts can help revise the strategies, build our plan and win the game.

d. Keeping our king safe is crucial for a player. However, protecting the center is all the more essential. The center of the board is the controlling part. Protecting it and not letting the opponent’s pieces to cross the borderline can help in ending the game in our favor.

e. Keep emotions at bay. We do not want others to know our move before we make it. A bland expression and a clear mind are the signs of a winner.

f. Understand the effectiveness of the pieces, both at the beginning and end. The Bishop and Knight are the best examples here. While they start as equal, in the end, when other pieces are away, the bishop gains more power and can alter the course of the game.

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What is the Right Age for Learning Chess?

The jury is divided as to what the age is right for introducing chess classes for beginners. While some may argue that 4 or 5 is too young to teach a child even the most basic rules, others say that there is really no such thing as too young for chess. Regardless where you stand in the great debate, it pays hearing out what different people—especially educators and chess instructors have to say about the matter. Ultimately, it is up to you to enroll your child in chess classes for beginners when you feel that they are ready to take on the challenge.

Although people disagree about the right age for starting lessons, everyone approves that it is generally a good idea to introduce chess at a young age—how young usually depends on factors like the child’s level of interest, rate of development, and overall ability to concentrate on chess classes for beginners. Exposing a child to the game when they are clearly not ready for it can have mixed results at best. For instance, a child may be more interested in another hobby at the moment and forcing chess into them may cause them to despise the experience, effectively thwarting their potential to learn and be good at the game.

Some instructors also argue that 5 years old is far too young to get cognitive benefits out of chess classes for beginners as the game requires abstract thinking, which typical five-year-olds simply haven’t developed yet. However, they also agree that exceptions do exist and that some children, especially those experiencing advanced development can and do get the full benefits of learning chess where other children typically can’t. In the meantime, for those who aren’t yet ready for formal chess lessons, instructors recommend to encourage playing with Lego building blocks and similar toys, which help children develop the right mindset and skills needed for chess.

What Do Learners Really Get Out of Learning Chess?

US Chess Federation’s slogan says it best, “Chess Makes Kids Smart.” How true this statement is can be seen in the way that chess helps improve children’s concentration and logical thinking. In fact, there are numerous studies that support the belief that online chess lessons for beginners or any other form of chess learning offer many great benefits to the learner, especially in terms of mental discipline. This is even more relevant in this day and age of constant distractions from technology, electronic games, and screens, all of which fuel attention deficit disorder in younger generations and people in general.

Chess learning supporters strongly advocate that the game is one of the greatest ways through which children can learn not only mental disciplines, but also fair competition and other practical lessons of perseverance and strategic planning. Academics also argue that chess is a highly effective teaching tool that equally challenges the minds of children regardless of gender, intelligence level, social class, or even their athletic inclinations/abilities. “Chess is a game for girls and boys, athletic and non-athletic, gifted and average, rich and poor,” says Peter Dauvergne in his much-cited paper. According to the chess master, Chess teaches children the value of planning as well as the consequences of their decisions. Dauvergne also insists that the game instills virtues of winning and losing gracefully, while teaching learners concentration and how to think efficiently and logically especially when making tough, abstract decisions.

Online chess lessons for beginners are a great place to start if you want your child to realize and gain a lot from the many benefits of learning the classic game of strategy. Cultivating chess culture in young children can mean great benefits in their attitude towards accepting defeat and savoring victory, much like any sport, while also introducing an exercise that helps improve the way the think and learn.