Learn to Play Chess – Benefits of Interactive Online Chess Lessons

The most effective way to learn to play chess is to get interactive lessons. It means attending sessions with trainers and other students who are interested in the sport. It also means practicing and applying the techniques with an opponent.

But how will you learn to play chess like this when most schools are closed due to the pandemic? That is where interactive online chess classes come in. Lessons held virtually are still better than pre-recorded tutorials on the internet because of the following benefits:

Virtual classrooms

It feels like you are attending a regular group chess lesson only that the classroom is virtual. Chess schools have platforms that they call chess learning software. Using this, they can facilitate chess lessons live with their students and provide feedback to their games. Their learning software usually allows students to see, hear, and chat with each other. This way, they can feel like you are learning inside a classroom.

Live chats

Another useful feature that chess learning software is live chat. Thatallows you to raise questions to your coach immediately and receive a response promptly, be it during or after the lessons. Live chat also lets you discuss with your classmate’s certain chess topics or discuss the games you are watching.

Chess tournaments

If you want to learn to play chess well, you need plenty of practice outside chess lessons. So, don’t be afraid to join tournaments by challenging or responding to requests for a match with other students. Win or lose, take it as a learning experience. Some platforms are accessible to students of different skills and ages as well as those who are from different parts of the world. This way, students have the opportunity to learn, play, and test their skills against a wide variety of opponents.

Immediate feedback Every student, regardless of the skill level, needs feedback to improve their game. You need someone pointing out your mistakes, especially your blind spots, from a different perspective. This is one of the crucial roles of your online chess trainer. The trainer will give you constructive feedback and real-time evaluation to let you know your mistakes and help you correct them immediately.

Where Do We Find Good Coaches forLearning Chess Online?

What can be better than learning chess online? You will not have to travel to an academy. You will also not have to wait for a class to be over. All you have to do is to log in to a platform and seek classes from an online chess coach.This sounds so convenient. Isn’t it? The catch is to find the right chess coach for your kids. Here are a few pointers you can use to find a chess coach who can teach online:

Points to consider

  • Always go to a popular platform

The first step is to search for a popular chess platform. You will get a plethora of such platforms to find an online chess coach.The problem is to assess which platform provides the right team of mentors. Make a list and start asking questions online. You will definitely find answers from the parents availing of online chess classes.

  • Compare

Compare these platforms with each other by considering basic factors such as, coaching sessions, types of class levels, frequency of classes, your convenience, and coaching fees. This is how you can compare and decide the ideal platform to find an online chess coach. You will also have to compare the credibility of the chess coaches offering classes online.

  • Reference

Seek references from your friends, colleagues, or relatives to find the right online platform. You will get a good idea of the online chess academies through the experience of your contacts.

Where to find the right chess coach? Consider these points to find the right online chess coach.Before that, decide the level where you want to start. Find that level and monitor the classes taken by online academies. Find out how patiently a coach is teaching how to play chess. Make an informed decision and hire the best coach online.